Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Me Against Myself

I love myself, and I hate me. I am baffled, and I am sorted. I fall in love, and I break hearts. I am calm, and I am hyper. I am serene, and I am tranquil. I keep patience, and I show vexation. I love abode, and I hate the habitation. I adore friends, and I ignore friends. I am loud, and I am quiet. I have trust, and I have suspicion. I have faith, and I have incredulity. I like music, and I hate lyrics. I love wandering, and I hate the maps. I love speaking, and I hate small talks. I love debates, and I hate arguments. I love rain, and I hate the slop. I can fall and I can slam. I can mess, and I can solve.
Why do you start, and then you end. Why do you love, and then you hate. Why do you make, and then you break. Why do you show, and then you throw. Why do you feel, and then you kill. Why do you mind, and then still smile. Why do you say, and then get away. Why do you save, and then show the grave. Why is this bond, and then all gone..

Cause it's a fight between Me Against Myself. I am Me and You are Me too..

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Another Shatter

So again, after all the restrain, all the hitch, all the ignorance,  the heart is doomed. Being a peachy human can lead you to it. The core of fondness is bathatic and Cathartic talk. Initially when you get in touch with someone, you don't begin with personal talks. But as soon as you spend more time together, the bond increases, so do conversations, so do suggestions, so do intimation, so do sharying, and you end up caring way too much.
Caring is not bad, it riffle you into a nice being. But when it cross the limit, the fondness increases, which ultimately leads to love. And the root of all the pain is this affection.
If somebody bide with you forever, you can ignore the remnant craps. But when you know that all this is transient setup, you get stuck somewhere. Neither you can move forward nor backward. You stop, so do your life, so do others' whose strings are attached with yours.
So is their any solution.? Yes indeed. Stop dwelling, stop being personal, be mean, be arrogant, be rude, and ignore where response is mandatory. Until and unless you are sure about one, that they will be with you for life, don't bother.
You will end up being one exonerated fool, keep loosing cool, hanging in drool, drowning in pool, if you are following the wrong rule..